Monday 1 June 2009

Weekend update

It has been quite a good weekend, partly aided by the gorgeous weather. I managed to get to morning communion on Sunday at 0830, to the surprise of other celebrants, and myself. Furthermore, I was still in good shape into the evening! Overall it felt like the nearest to a normal day since I started the treatment.

This morning started well with a visit from an occupational therapist with two catalogues of goodies to solve a number of practical problems; a wheelchair with leg support AND laptop (as in PC) tray; ramps to get in and out of the house; a seat for the shower and a step to get in - have you ever tried using crutches on a soapy surface? - no, I thought not! One of the more appealing objects available is an adult version of the child's training walker. Parents among you may have seen them - a sit-in pouch on a spring where the baby can just touch the floor. They spend ten minutes bouncing up and down like crazy, get exhausted, and then fall safely asleep for half an hour. I can just see one of these hung from the oak frame in our garden room...

To continue my return to childhood, Squire B offered to get some shopping for us, including a baby's toothbrush with which to clean sore gums. He came back with a superb brush which incorporates a red flashing light and some coloured gooh/water mix in the handle. It flashes for a minute to make sure one does a good cleaning job, and the gooh creates moving patterns in the handle. I always thought he was a man of singular taste...! Anyway, must go - time for my nap.

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