Saturday 30 May 2009

Quite a varied day!

Yesterday was pretty much 'no change' health-wise. I've discovered that it's not just weight-bearing that is a problem at the moment; even standing causes pain after a few minutes. For that reason I've asked the physio to come on Monday and advise on the (hopefully temporary) use of a wheelchair. Apparently one has to be measured for one of these, and the key measurement is posterior width! Why, I can't imagine - surely M&S 32" inside leg standard length is good for 90% of the population? Anyway, I'm quite looking forward to choosing the make, model, colour, interior trim, air-con...

I also had a consultation with a clinical hypnotherapist, and we agreed to work on pain control together. I've always had an interest in this area, and have used it on myself and others, with sometimes quite amazing results. A flat-mate of mine and I used to go swimming at the University pool in Bristol. This had three diving boards; one at ground level; a medium one, and one above the clouds. I had no desire to dive, but Pete was keen to go off the middle board. I hypnotised him once, and got him to visualise making a perfect dive from there, followed later by the same quality dive from the top. We went swimming immediately afterwards. He went straight to the top board, and did do a perfect dive! He was amazed, and I was quite spooked! I realised then that this is a powerful tool, and that it could have significant consequences.

Anyway, I'm a bit rusty, so a few sessions to brush up my technique won't go amiss. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. You left out the 'go faster stripes' as requirements for your potential new wheels!

