Saturday 13 June 2009

Chemotherapy round 2, day 3

Today consisted of a single injection of something designed to keep up my white blood cell count (and hence infection resistance). It has numerous side-effects, one of which is sleepiness - guess what I've been doing most of the day? The second, which I'm keeping a close eye on, is bone pain. I rather suspect that this might be the cuplrit that has put me into a wheelchair, rather than the chemotherapy itself. However one can't be sure as they are administered so close together. The waiting game now begins in earnest; the consultant will decide in three weeks whether or not this regime is working. I do hope so because there are few alternatives.

The sleepiness I referred to above may last a day or two, so I'm not sure there will be much to post about for a couple of days - however please don't give up checking on me!

On another note altogether, I don't know how many of you have seen the video of the motor-cycle cortege accompanying Simon Batten's hearse to his funeral. I've corresponded with Bren so I know she won't mind me pointing this out to you. It's an amazing show of support by his fellow bikers, who came from around the world. See the relevant story under


  1. I have my fingers crossed constantly that the treatment will make a new man of you.
    Thanks for pointing out to people the bikers etc. It was amazing, wasn't it?
    love Bren x

  2. Hey pops, keep up the good work and hope you feel better soon, I'll come visit when you can stay awake for long enough! Love Al

  3. An astounding day to be a part of and a great show of support by the Satan's Slaves...

    Think I may have left enough comments on enough posts for today. Hope you are feeling OK!

  4. yep, those bikers were "trewly orrsum"...thought the video must be on a loop there were so many!

    a marvellous show of respect and i'll remember the throaty, burbling, unexpectedly melodious sound that filled the dalwood air that afternoon for a long while.

    thinking of and praying for you both every day.

    every best
