Monday 29 June 2009

Off to Bristol

Woke up this morning in considerable pain, and am mystified why this has happened. Yesterday was a very quiet day, with church at 5. Even Alastair quoting the Archbishop of Canterbury shouldn't cause an allergic reaction of this magnitude! I did sweep and weed the front path in the afternoon, but I did this in my wheelchair and definitely didn't put any weight on my leg. I'm not one to anthropomorphise but I do wonder if said limb knows where it's going and what's going to happen tomorrow - it does get poked and pulled about a bit.

We had hoped to make a bit of a jaunt out of the trip to Bristol, by arranging to meet our youngest for lunch, and then going to see the Banksy exhibition at the museum. If you have five minutes spare, do have a look at the website for this event - amazing, isn't it!

Tomorrow is quite a big day, because we should get the results of my x-ray and, more importantly, hear whether the consultant thinks the current treatment is showing promise or not; perversely, I hope it is, despite the side-effects. The prospect of trying different combinations, or of trundling around the country looking for relevant clinical trials, seem rather daunting by comparison. Anyway, I know you all wish me luck, and now seems like a good time to thank everyone for the positive comments about the blog; it certainly makes our life easier than trying to remember who we've spoken to on a daily basis!

I'm also pleased to report that I can end this post on a positive note - before I started writing I took a large dose of Oromorph, and backed it up with a quick 'glove anaesthesia' session - both of which seem to have worked! So, TTFN...


  1. Anthropomorphise indeed!!Whatever next??
    Good luck tomorrow, will be thinking of you.
    love Brenx

  2. Hi pops, good luck and give me a call tomorrow, much love x

  3. Oi! What do you mean about allergic reaction to ABoC :-)

    Thinking of you, hope yesterday went well!

  4. Thinking of you George & Chris!
