Tuesday 23 June 2009

OK, so not all of it was true...!

I hope you enjoyed yesterday's piece about the information Google collects on us all. I'm afraid that the last bit about being able to see you on Skype was a wind-up - well, one must have a little fun:-). The remainder was real data from the blog.

I thought we had solved the pain problem yesterday, but it has continued to break through, so I'm having an x-ray in Axminster tomorrow just to check that it isn't broken.

Little else to report of note today, except lunch at River Cottage cafe. It's very pleasant and good value too; I did manage to smuggle home a small piece of Stinking Bishop cheese, so if you think the Lawrence pigs are out over this way, you may just be mistaken! I rang Michael Bradbury to invite him and Sue, only to find that I'd missed a text this morning say that he was in the Wonford for investigation into his back problem. As if that's not bad enough, their broadband connection is broken. He is able to send and receive texts, so those of you who know him pile in and help cheer him up please!

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you re the x-ray George.
