Saturday 27 June 2009

Back from the brink...

Evenin' all,

As you can see I've clawed my way back from the brink of technology oblivion (Windows 7, loss of data, backup not working quite as it should have) to be with you tonight. In fact this may be something of an exaggeration, but a little drama doesn't hurt...

Lunchtime found me in the Tuckers Arms in the company of Mike McAlpine and Gwyn Rosser, who had invited me to join them for a pint before adjourning chez Gwyn to watch the rugby on his new Sky HD set-up. I have to say the detail was amazing; when, two minutes in, a Springbok stuck his fingers in the eyes of a Lyons player you could SEE the tears exuding in appalling detail. Minutes later a fight erupted on the pitch, and blood pressures in Brook Cottage rose accordingly. I decided that it was lunchtime and repaired home before either of the others caused me further injury in their very physical expressions of support for the Reds.

Later this afternoon we held a very much more sedate and seemly cream tea under the apple tree in Michael and Sue's garden. It was by way of a 'welcome home' to him after his stay in the Wonford, and I imagine he was as pleased to be back as we were to see him!

While I was out at lunchtime Chris had been catching up on medical news on the various cancer research and related sites, and had unearthed a potential treatment that I'm trying hard not to get excited about. It's not a cure, but rather a palliative treatment for bone tumours which is aimed at substantially reducing pain and increasing mobility levels. Basically, it involves injecting some kind of epoxy resin into the affected bones. This is allowed to harden, and then provides structural support instead of the current metal pin, which I think has become loose due to tumour activity around the fixing points. I won't bore you further by posting the relevant paper, but using a 'standard' pain scale of 1-10, it seems to bring a score of 8-9 (typical deep bone pain) down to 1 or 2; now that would be worth having! I'm looking forward to raising this with the consultant on Tuesday.


  1. I wonder if this is a similar treatment to that Cynthia was telling me she had to stabilise the bottom of her spine when she was in agony from osteoporosis?? It has certainly made a difference to her.
    Good luck.
    Bren x

  2. It certainly could be the same as it is used in those circumstances - here's hoping!

  3. clever stuff that Evo-Stik!

    every best
