I left off the hypnotherapy appointment from yesterday's post - too much excitement isn't good for you all. I had to admit that my homework had suffered last week as the pain and medication had rather got in the way - which is why I'm doing the hypnotherapy in the first place. We've agreed to concentrate the learning in the next two good weeks, in the hope that I'll be good enough to apply the skills if and when the next chemo session happens. No pressure, then...
We were then free to visit the Festival, which was a much drier event than last year. We passed a pleasant couple of hours, partly due to hiring an invalid buggy a la Sue Giles (but without a lid). To be honest, even the Kath Kidston shopping bag in the front basket could do nothing to futher undermine my image, so complete was the transformation. Still, I could get around in relative ease and comfort, and receive not a few comments suggesting that I was the lucky one! If they only knew... Alas, despite taking the camera we forgot to take a picture, so you'll just have to use your imaginations, or ask Owain and Alison, whom we encountered near the beer tent.
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