Friday 26 June 2009

Famous last words!

Yesterday is the last time I post smugly about the need to switch off routers to protect equipment against the weather. I did of course follow my own advice, but that didn't stop my PC from refusing to play this morning. I've spent most of the day recovering my data from a disk that seems to have failed spontaneously, and the process still isn't finished:-( I may get round to reading my emails before bedtime, but it's doubtful.

On the other hand, I did have a very enjoyable and fruitful hypnotherapy session this afternoon. I'm learning a technique called 'glove anaesthesia', which involves deadening the hand through concentrated effort, and then transferring the feeling to other parts of the body which are less comfortable. Today is the first time I managed to overcome the soreness in my leg using this method, so now it's a question of practising so I can do it to order, and in a wakeful state.

I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, if you come across me in the village, watching my right hand sink slowly in the air, eyes closed and head drooping, you'll know that I'm still practising...


  1. That is really clever. How do you watch your right hand when you have your eyes closed????
    But then it is you we are talking about and you are able to do things that we mere mortals are not !!!!!
    love Bren x

  2. Not much gets past you does it Bren? My eyes close when my arm rests on my leg. I'll remember to be more precise in future!
