Thursday 3 September 2009

Another lunch out!

Someone commented today that we seem to be going out to lunch rather often. In fact we did go out today - to River Cottage Cafe canteen in Axminster, where we took Michael and Sue to celebrate his birthday. It wasn't a particularly significant number - just a higher number than mine:-)

I've little to report on the medical front, apart from an increase in pain levels in my leg. We've embarked upon the now familiar juggling of doses of the two/three main painkillers, to try to stabilise it again.

Looking at Google Analytics I can see that the visit rate to the site is showing a slow but steady decline, which I regard as a good thing. My reasoning is that no news is good news, and the longer that lasts the better!


  1. Nice to speak to you yesterday, even if it was to pick your brains re my computer. I just knew you would be able to solve the problem in seconds.
    love to you both,
    Bren x

  2. Good to talk to you too Bren. I'm glad things are going ok for you both

  3. Thank you George for helping me sort out kapersky (well doing it for me really)
    You always sound so calm and friendly even when at this time of night you must be feeling tired!!
    Thank you so much once again Ninight Godbless
