Friday 11 September 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

Medical update

We saw the plastic surgeon at lunchtime yesterday and agreed a plan to remove the lesions on my lip, chin, eye, and as many of those on my scalp and he could accommodate without giving me the 'too much plastic surgery' taut and shine skin finish favoured by Hollywood elder statesmen and women. Unfortunately the location and time involved means having a general anaesthetic, which I prefer to avoid, but never mind.

Birthday update

We hadn't planned it to this level of detail but as soon as we arrived at the hotel I realised that the location was perfect. It's a Cotswold hotel (where I hail from); combined with supreme comfort, service and a Michelin star that even Giles Coren couldn't rubbish:see; and cognac topping out at £105 per shot of which our sons mercifully didn't avail themselves after we went to bed.

The Owen clan haven't been together for a while now, and the girlfriends haven't even met before so it must have felt quite strange for them. However they seem to have got along famously from the outset. Actually, given that, as one remarked, she couldn't believe how similar the chaps were to one another, it's perhaps not too surprising that their chosen partners got along too!

For those who would like a peek at what we got up to, have a look at

Donations to Cancer Research

Finally, to all those folk who kindly donated to my fund, and/or sent me cards and messages of good-will, can I say a huge thank-you. To my family, and most of all to my lovely wife, whose care, affection and organisational skills pulled off the above and so much more in our lives, a big, big thank-you. The whole day has been just perfect.



  1. So glad that you had such a lovely day.
    What a beautiful place too. I think they must have the same gardener as me !!!!????
    I too shall go there for lunch, when we win the lottery !!!!
    love Bren x

  2. Bren,

    John asked me for the details of the hotel, but when I told him the price he said it was too cheap for you!
