Friday 10 July 2009

Scan results

I had a call this morning to give us the results of the scans earlier this week. The results are mixed. As far as my trunk is concerned, there has been little change, and one lung lesion has gone altogether. Unfortunately the brain scan was not so positive: I have about six nodules in the brain, which were not evident on the previous January scan.

If there were just one or two lesions then the usual treatment would be surgery. However given the number present the proposed treatment plan is for me to see the radiotherapy consultant in Bristol on Tuesday, with a view to targeted radiotherapy, possibly followed by surgery. There is no point in pretending that this is not a set-back; brain lesions can develop slowly, but can also turn aggressive very quickly, which can, depending on location, lead to sudden loss of function or senses.

From our point of view, Christine and I feel that it is important to take each day at a time, and to listen to what the doctors have to offer by way of treatment. The prognosis and outcome are little changed by this news, and I feel are best left in God's hands. I know you will all continue to send us your best wishes and prayers, for which we thank you. I should have more to tell you after Tuesday, but am unsure that there will be much to add before then.

On a more positive note, I am hopeful that the addition of the latest nerve painkiller is having a beneficial effect, as the pain has been noticeably reduced in the last couple of days. I won't really know if this is the case until I've built up to the full dose by the middle of next week, and have reduced the extra morphine that I'm currently taking down to the planned level.


  1. It is a set back George. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Relieved the new pain control method is beginning to be effective. Carole Cole has just arrived, so I will get back to you later.
    H x

  2. As always we are thinking of you and praying hard.
    love to you both
    Bren x
