Friday 31 July 2009

Day 9: News from London

Medical update

Simple: none. I've still got my hair, although I've noticed that there are quite a few more extraneous loose ones in my food, on my clothes, and generally around the place; I'm sure Chris's hair looks thinner:-) I do also feel more tired, but this is to be expected. So, instead of coming home and sitting down, we went out in the garden and drank tea before I had a go at weeding the drive.

Cromwell Hospital

I had an email from the Cromwell this evening to say that I have to wait for eight weeks after the current treatment before proceeding with Gamma Knife. They have arranged for me to have an MRI scan on 12th October, and if I'm suitable for treatment that will take place on the following day.

And in the meantime...

...I've asked my consultant what restrictions there are on flying. If we have to wait eight weeks (less a couple to get over the worst of the current treatment).


  1. hello !
    you sound like you have been busy and no mum hasent been reading what i write,but she now has the skill to do so when ever she likes.
    she is very proud of herself!
    she wouldnt be upset about me telling you about her school and its luxurys when ever i moan about anything at school she always tells me about how it was in her day and some how manages to make me believe today is not so bad, although she admits she is getting to sound just like granddad and has given me permission to shoot her if she gets any worse (her words) i love my mum to bits and im not just saying this because i know that she can read it now keep smileing!!

  2. Hi Uncle George, glad to hear you've still got your hair! :)

    A slightly off topic comment, you don't seem to have adsense on. :S I thought I would suggest it as you seem to have quite a lot of traffic to your blog. :D I don't know much about it but I've heard it's quite easy to set up. :)


  3. Josh,

    Installing Adsense is an amusing idea. What sorts of products do you think I should be advertising? Hair loss products, perhaps?!

    Also, the people who are reading my blog are my friends. Do you think they would remain so after I'd thrown unwanted advertising at them?! I doubt it. Even so, it's good to see that a commercial spirit still runs in the family:-)
