Thursday 23 July 2009

Day 3: The good, the bad, the ugly!

The Good

Every so often something appears in my mailbox that makes me think "I must share this with humanity" which means you, dear readers! The latest nugget came from a weekly newsletter from PC Pro, which I subscribe to, and which is partly responsible for some of the advice that I pass on to you. However, this particular nugget is not PC-related.

It comes in the form of a link to some videos made in 1974 for Cornell University, and features Dr Richard Feynman giving some 'classic physics lectures'. However, even if physics did for you at school like it did for me, please don't stop reading yet! This is how PC Pro describes the videos

What I find even more amusing is that Bill Gates and a friend were going on holiday together and wanted to take some videos with them - now I don't know what sort of stuff you take, and please don't tell me, but physics?! When Bill watched these he immediately bought the rights to them, and through a Microsoft project has posted them for all to see, which is why you can watch them now.

To watch the videos, go to Project Tuva. If you are prompted to install something called Silverlight, please allow it. Thereafter, enjoy! Even the introduction is worth watching, so if you go through it all you have about seven hours of material to plough through. I've watched the first one and certainly intend to view the rest!

The Bad

Have you ever wondered what PC repair shops get up to when you take your PC's in for fixing? Not me, I hasten to add! This story in the same email will make your hair stand on end!
The moral is, back up your data (where have you heard that before?!), delete it from your hard drive, and try to go to someone who is recommended!

I'm going to cheat and slip in another Bad, this time about premium rate phone numbers, which are often used for support calls (such as to HP, Gwyn!). There is a little-known way to circumvent these; it's not foolproof, but it's worth a try; go to this Enter the 08nn phone number in the phone number box, and see what alternative landline numbers it throws up. You can also enter the name of the organisation and see what it throws up. We have certainly saved money using this facility, so good luck!

The Ugly

So here's the ugly - it needs little explanation!

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