Friday 24 July 2009

Day 4: It's the weekend!

So, 40% complete! I can't say I'm sorry it's the weekend; the M5 only has so much to offer by way of variety; today it was dense traffic as people made their ways down to their holiday homes. I'm looking forward to a rest for a couple of days.

The first treatment symptoms have started to emerge; nausea, tiredness, and mild headaches. Still at least I've got my hair for a while longer.

I had a phone call from the Cromwell today following up on my referral from Bristol; they wanted me to go up for an MRI scan using their protocols, which I take as a slightly positive sign that I may be suitable for treatment with Gamma knife; there's no real reason why it should be positive, but in the absence of any other indication, it might as well be a good sign as bad! Unfortunately I can't go on Tuesday, and the consultant has gone back to Sweden for a few days, so this will be delayed for a while. This may be a good thing anyway, as the effects of this treatment need to settle before they can assess suitability for Gamma Knife.

It's interesting that yesterday's post elicited not a single public comment. I must have something to learn about judging my audience; perhaps you aren't all subscribers to New Scientist or Geeks Monthly:-)


  1. Sorry about the symptoms, George, it's good it's the weekend... I agree it's unlikely the Cromwell would want to do a scan unless they thought they oould do something :-)

    John and I are are now both proud owners of buffs - you should be on commission! We have another friend who we thought had suddenly discovered a talent for tying scarves in nifty ways, and fancied himself as Johnny Depp, but now I realise that he had also just bought a buff!


  2. im sorry to hear you are not feeling so good but i hope you have a good weekend.when do we get to see the photos of you in the buff ooops! that sounds rude i mean wareing your buff :) Danielle xxx

  3. 2 comments in two hours! I give up. Still, the buffs seem to have got you going - I shall have to practice with mine. It's a pity that the steroids make me look like a hamster with full cheek pouches!

    Where are you planning to wear your buffs, J&H - on the farm?

    Steady on Danielle - what will your mother say if she reads your comments? Good job I won't be needing a haircut for a while:-)

  4. HA HA HA
    does that meen that there are no pictures ?

  5. I tried to comment on yesterday's blog but unfortunately I've found I can't do it from work - I can't type in the box :(

    Jan x
