Wednesday 29 July 2009

Day 7: getting there

Absolutely nothing new to report I'm afraid, apart from the fact that travelling in the back of Gwyn's car is something of a luxury experience; it certainly smoothed out the bumps along Seven Mile Straight!

Yesterday I threatened to start making stuff up - today I can honestly say I'm too tired; sorry about that.


  1. hello!!
    i have just got back from two days at my friends katies house in Dawlish have you missed me? :-) sorry to hear you have not been feeling so good while i have been there :-( how are you getting on with ur head gear? just say if you change your mind and need that hat i offerd to knit you :-)

  2. mum says she was surprised that the ss great britain was still there for your sister to see, it was a rusted out wreck when she was at primary school , a long time ago !!:)
    -outside toilets
    -free school milk and a coal fire for heat...
    and they were luxurys!!
    poor old mum hehe :-)

  3. hello young man its builder alex on the early morning show ,good to c that there is nothing to report health wize as no news is good news ! i think is time that we had a little man to man chat about u joining the more-ed brother hood ,this is an slect gentel mans club for those with more head than hair. There are lots of benifits i have found since becoming a member ,shampoo bill has garn compleatly as with anoying trips to the hair dressers you dont ever suffer from hat hair and getting up in the mornings is a doddel as u will look the same .We have a lot of famous members like shawn connery ,vin deisel ,bruse willis,Burt Renolds all of wich r just a phone cal away and like me only to keen to help u .so when u r next out and some smart mouth shouts "oy bouldey locks and the three hairs " its more than likeley he was not allowed in .take care my frend.

  4. morning....glad you enjoyed the leather-cushioned ride home!

    also thanx for the tuva "tip"...ive watched ten mins or so and, im afraid, am already having trouble with the science...but reckon if my school had employed an amusing, entertaining bongo-drumming, safecracker boffin such as dr feynman then maybe rocket science might have been an attractive option after all?!?!

    thanx again.
    thoughts as ever.

  5. Thanks to everyone who posted today - on a slow news day, at that! Much appreciated.

    Yes Danielle, we did miss you - does your mother read what you write?!
