Friday 7 August 2009

I'm shy, hairy melon, I'm shy

As the song goes. Anyway, this melon is getting less hairy by the minute. This may have something to do with the fact that Christine has ministered to me with the hoover, and also with a length of parcel tape. Of course, looking at it from her point of view I can see that piles of the stuff around the place is not ideal:-)

Other than this, I've become even more tired, and it's not even the end of the first week after treatment. If they are right and the symptoms will deepen until the end of week two then there really won't be much point in 'watching this space' at all!

On an unrelated note, I had a completely unexpected and welcome visit from Dr. Hodges. I had had to ring the surgery to arrange a change of medication, and he had kindly arranged this at nil notice. I gather that our own doctor, Sarah Ellis, will be away for a while and he thought it would be a good idea to put a face to a name (for both of us). Well done, Dr H!


  1. Hello!!
    I dont think i know that song,but i'm sure your buff will fit better without all that stuff in the way,remember to sleep as much as you can george.
    I have to go i'm supposed to be getting my flip flops but i thought i would just see how you were doing,if i dont get my favourite flip flops to mum soon she will find and excuse not to pack them!!!

  2. I have been reading your blog every day, as usual, but haven't posted a comment recently as a lot has been going on here.
    If you are not asleep when this arrives you will see this message and know that we are still thinking of you.
    Do you think your hair may grow back curly????
    Bren x

  3. You have to be "of a certain age" to know the song, Danielle - us oldies are singing along with you, George! And thinking about you. Love Hilary

  4. I dimly remember my big brother telling me about that song, because of course, I'm too young to remember it first hand!!!
    I like the quote - I wish I'd seen it before Josh went camping in Salcombe with Sarah!
    Sleep well
    Jan x
