Monday 16 November 2009

Sunday, and then a day at the hospice

Yesterday we went to the service in St Peter's, at which Morris from the Tuckers Arms was christened in front of his proud parents and family. He played his part perfectly until right near the end, when he made it clear that getting wet was not his favourite past-time.

We spent a day at the hospice today, mainly for an infusion of a drug called Zometa. This replaces the previous drug called Pamidronate, and is far more effective in causing bones to absorb calcium more effectively, and hence may be better at helping to control pain in my leg.

We also talked to the consultant about how to recognise the progress of the disease, and she said that the most likely scenario would be increased tiredness, and more prolonged periods of sleep. She felt that it would be possible to manage pain levels so that they did not become a problem.


  1. i think that is possibly the only picture of the day where morris is facing the camera, i dont think hes going to be one too keen on having his photograph taken, thankyou for joining us it was lovley to have you both there to share in the celebration, and your strength,bravery and kind heartedness will be an inspiration to Morris in future years as you are to both of us love from craig, tracey and morris xx

  2. Hi George!!
    We really hope this drug changeing is working and not causeing more pain,you seem to have had alot of changes recently?
    i hope the sleep is helping you
    did you get to hold that little boy,he looks really cute i love those little hands and feet!
    Lots Of Love
