Tuesday 26 May 2009

Chemo and technical update

It's now Tuesday afternoon, and I can honestly say that yesterday and the day before were truly awful - you don't need to know the details:-(

First, the chemo really kicked in and I ticked off every available side-effect, plus one or two others. A friend opf Christine's told her that someone she knew had treatment and was very unwell for a couple of days, and then was as right as rain. I'm beginning to hope that, based on this afternoon, I might take a similar direction. After all, if I'm well enough to notice the awful mess I leave lying around everywhere, I can't bee too ill.

Then, to cap it all, my second laptop touchpad broke (over-use, I know) and I've got to send it back. This means reverting to my other lappie which has Vista on it (boo, hiss). Why do all one's troubles come at once?

I have managed to help a couple of folk using remote access today; if you need assistance it might be as well to send me an email unless it's really urgent.

Thanks for the comments on previous posts - keep them coming as they make me smile!

1 comment:

  1. The cycle ride passed a number of houses with "hayes" in the name: Larkshayes, Studhayes, Woodhays. It apparently means a scrubby area. No Alchoholic Hayes yet though ...

    Back in Surrey there were two identical bungalows next to each other at the end of a lane. One was called Wise Cottage, the other Likewise.

